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Foster Breeding Program

skye berger blanc suisse _vom hundhaus
Yeti vom hundhaus   Berger blanc suisse
white shepherd, berger blanc suisse, white swiss shepherd
white shepherd, berger blanc suisse, white swiss shepherd
white shepherd, berger blanc suisse, white swiss shepherd
white shepherd, berger blanc suisse, white swiss shepherd
white shepherd, berger blanc suisse, white swiss shepherd
white shepherd, berger blanc suisse, white swiss shepherd
white shepherd, berger blanc suisse, white swiss shepherd
white shepherd, berger blanc suisse, white swiss shepherd
white shepherd, berger blanc suisse, white swiss shepherd
white shepherd, berger blanc suisse, white swiss shepherd
white shepherd, berger blanc suisse, white swiss shepherd
white shepherd, berger blanc suisse, white swiss shepherd
white shepherd, berger blanc suisse, white swiss shepherd
white shepherd, berger blanc suisse, white swiss shepherd
white shepherd, berger blanc suisse, white swiss shepherd
white shepherd, berger blanc suisse, white swiss shepherd
white shepherd, berger blanc suisse, white swiss shepherd
white shepherd, berger blanc suisse, white swiss shepherd
white shepherd, berger blanc suisse, white swiss shepherd
white shepherd, berger blanc suisse, white swiss shepherd


My name is Kevin Daley, I own Vom Hundhaus German Shepherds Kennel. I have been breeding German Shepherds and Berger Blanc Suisse Shepherds for 32 years.

If you are here reading this you have done so as a result of finding my advertisement, Facebook Page or website concerning my German Shepherd foster home program. I will attempt to  explain the foster home program on this page.

We have been modeling another breeder of quality working lines kennel foster program for the past 8 years.

Who I am:

My kennel ( ) breeds quality West German Show Lines and Berger Blanc Suisse , White Swiss Shepherds in Tampa Bay Florida. In fact we ( ) are one of a handful of breeders that breeds Berger Blanc Suisse.

If you want to get a feel for what I do, visit these sections on my web sites, and facebook pages at:

  1. ; or

  2. ; or




I have owned German Shepherds since the early 1960's and have bred them for 32 years. Since 1986 I have bred over 90 litters of Top Quality German Shepherds. My bloodlines are all imported from Europe. They are not American bloodline dogs. There is a definite difference between German Bloodline Dogs and American Bloodline Dogs.

I breed show line & Berger Blanc Suisse shepherd dogs with calm temperaments and steady nerve. My dogs are sold as service dogs, competition obedience dogs, schutzhund dogs and personal protection dogs, and family pets. While my dogs are protective they are not hard dogs. They have good temperaments. Good temperament means a dog gets along with children and is not dangerous to be around.

I have built a well known bloodline of Shepherds and my dogs stand out in regards to their quality, beauty and temperament. My dogs are shipped in this country from Alaska to the US Virgin Islands and everywhere in between. (although I will not sell my dogs outside the United States and Canada)


The Basics of the Foster Program:

My breeding program has been built with the help of my foster home program. Until now I have exhausted every friend and relative willing to participate out of meer “Peace of Mind” and letting go of these precious animals.

The way the foster program works is, I place my "pick of the litter" females in foster homes. The dogs live in these homes for their entire life. The foster parents do not pay for the dog, we give the dog to them. the foster parents and  sign a restrictive breeding contract with Vom Hundhaus.

We currently have about 10 dogs in local foster homes near Tampa Bay Florida, some retired.

This program allows local people an opportunity to own one of the best German Shepherds or Berger Blanc Suisse in this country without paying for it. (These are pups that sell for $3,000-$4,000). If someone qualifies as a foster parent  they are given one of our dogs.

As a foster puppy grows up we monitor its temperament, drive and health. If the female is breed worthy, she will be used in our breeding program. Before breeding the dog we x-ray her hips (at our expense) to verify that she does not have hip dysplasia. If the hips are not good we ask the foster parents to have the dog spayed and our breeding rights are terminated.

When a female is 2 years old she will come back to the kennel when she comes into season. After getting bred she will go back to her foster home. Then 4 or 5 days before whelping she comes back to the kennel and has her pups here and stays until she weans the pups (at 5 to 6 weeks).

Females come into season twice a year. I am constantly searching for the super female. Should someone get one of those super females, they will be bred back to back at 2 years old (if vet approved) then possibly once more a year later.

When a female is at our kennel we encourage visits from the foster parents. They can stop as often as they want and walk their dog and play with the pups.

In my opinion placing dogs in foster homes results in a far better life for a dog than living a life in a dog kennel. The foster home program is a good deal for the dog, it's a good deal for the foster parents, and it's a good deal for my breeding program. It's one of those "win - win" situations for everyone involved. It is the only way I can keep my bloodlines alive without constantly importing from other countries. Plus contrary to pet homes, all of my dogs are intact which is not the ideal situation in creating friendships from within this animal kingdom.

If for some reason I don't like a female when she is old enough to breed, or when I am through breeding a female, we will ask that she be spayed. When that is done the breeding contract is null and void, and ownership is relinquished to the foster family.

I am often asked how long I breed a female. The answer is that this depends on the quality of the female and her puppies. As I have already mentioned, I have been breeding German Shepherds since 1985 and have had well  over 90 litters of German Shepherds. In that period of time retirement for the ladies is around 4 to 4 ½ years of age.

The fact is that if a female is in good condition having a litter keeps her hormones flowing and she stays in excellent condition as a result.


Questions & Answers on the FOSTER Program


Who Qualifies for a Foster Dog?

We are very selective of who we choose to become a foster family. Our primary concern is that our dogs go into safe homes where they will be well taken care of and not get run over by a car or allowed to escape and get lost. We expect the foster parents to allow the dogs to be house dogs. We look for people who have had dogs before. In fact the ideal person is one who has just had a dog pass of old  age. This is a person who knows how to take care of a dog.

We do not give dogs to people that want farm dogs, nor do we give dogs to people who are going to keep them strictly as an outside kennel dog. We also do not give dogs to people who have just had a dog that was accidentally killed. I also do not give dogs to people who have any type of criminal history. I am not concerned about traffic tickets, but any type of criminal activity for either of the spouses will not work.


What are the Foster Family's Responsibilities?

While the foster family does not pay for the puppy (or young adult), they must agree to purchase a dog crate and a leash. They must also agree to feed an all natural diet or all natural kibble.

We provide dog training assistance (free of charge) to all foster homes. The dog kennel is my hobby. My business is a Federal Contract Officer for the US. We love those families who would have an interest in Basic Obedience, to Competition Obedience, to Agility, Personal Protection, Search & Rescue, and service. We will help direct you with all problems and questions for a life time.

The foster family must have a fenced back yard.


What If I Have Another Dog Already In My Home?

We usually do not place foster dogs in homes where there is already another dog. It's a rare occasion that this would happen. We would never place a female in a home where there was an un-neutered male. We also would not place a female in a home with another large female. Females fight with females, males fight with males. We try to eliminate bad situations by limiting the environment our dogs are placed in.


How Far Away Do You Place Dogs?

We seldom place dogs in homes further than 50 miles away from Saint Petersburg Florida, although in certain cases we may make an exception.


Who Owns The Dog:

Vom Hundhaus shepherds owns the dog. The AKC/UKC registration papers are in  our name. When we place the dog we sign over the care to the foster parents until the during breeding rights, then we sign over the dog when she is spayed by the foster.

Do You Ever Have Older Dogs, Rather Than Puppies To Be Placed In Foster Homes?

Some people know how much work it is to raise a puppy and would rather not go through the house breaking and chewing stages of a puppy. An older female is a good solution for these people.

At times we have young adults (and sometimes older females) that we would like to place in a home. These are dogs that have been in foster homes and have come back to the kennel. There are a number of reasons this will happen. Some people get divorced and find themselves living in apartments where they cannot keep the dog, some people move away from the area, and some people simply decide they do not want a dog any longer.

These older females are all very nice dogs. They are house trained and have some basic obedience. I always feel sorry for a dog that has been a house dog and then comes back into a kennel environment; it's like going to prison. They go from a one on one relationship to a place with limited time spent with them.

What About Medical Issues And The Dog?

The foster parents are required to keep the dogs current on rabies and heartworm. The reason for this is that the state of Florida does not allow me to give rabies shots or administer heart worm medication. We ask that the dogs be put on once a month heart worm pills during the mosquito season.

If there are any medical expenses as a result of the breeding or litters this is taken care of by us.

We do not allow ANY VACCINATIONS to be given to our dogs – by anyone but us, NONE!!

It is the responsibility of the foster parents to make sure the dogs remain in good health.


Do You Place Males In Foster Homes?

No, I import my stud dogs from Europe or I keep a male back for breeding here at the kennel. We usually have 3 or 4 stud dogs. If someone wants a male dog we will be happy to sell them a dog but we do not place our males in foster homes.

How Do We Know When A Dog Should Be Bred?

We have a computer program to track the female's heat cycles. By inputting every heat cycle we can anticipate which bitches are going to come in season in which month. We plan our breeding season around a computer print out. That is the reason the foster parent must keep us informed of the females cycles.

Females come into season 2 times a year. They will blow their coat (shed) at 2 to 8 weeks or so before coming into season. When a female starts to drop blood we expect to get a phone call. If we plan to breed her we will inform the foster parents ahead of time. Females are usually bred on the 11th and 13th day of their season. We take them into the kennel about the 6th day.

What if We Decide that We Do Not Want to Stay in The Program?

If at any time something changes in a foster home and they are no longer able to keep a foster dog there is no problem with them returning the dog back to the kennel. When this happens we will either place the dog in a new foster home or we will retire her.


Do I Ever Split Litters with Foster People?

When people ask if I split the litters with foster parents, the answer is usually "no." This is really not a program for someone who wants to be a breeder.

The only way I ever consider splitting a litter with a foster parent is if the person trains and puts a Schutzhund title on the dog. That is a rule that is cast in stone. Most foster parents find the pups cute, but they don't want more dogs. The kind of people that take these dogs are not interested in breeding. If a person is interested in breeding then this is not a program for them. They should purchase a dog and get into the business.


Are Foster Parents Ever Allowed To Whelp The Litter?

We also get asked by an occasional foster parent if they can whelp a litter at their home. The answer is "NO." There is too much that can go wrong during a delivery. I can convince them of this by telling some stories of past deliveries. That usually does the trick.


Under What Circumstances Do We Take A Dog Away From a Foster Home?


There are only a few reasons that we would take a female out of a foster home:

1. If we find out that they are allowing the dog to run loose when there is no
2. If the she gets accidentally bred 
3. If the foster parents do not tell us when a bitch comes in season (even if 
we do not plan on breeding it), we will warn the foster parents once and
take it away if it happens again.)
4. If someone is arrested for a criminal offense 
5. If someone moves without informing us that they have moved 
7. If someone allows a dog to become way, way over weight and does not 
take steps to correct this

Additional Questions:

If you have further question, feel free to e-mail me at I check my e-mail several times per day.

If you would like to talk to someone on the phone, our number is 727-687-5338. We return calls.


Kennel Visits:

We do not train dogs for people. We also do not board dogs so our kennel is not open to the public. Once a person talks with us and it is determined that they qualify for a foster dog they are welcome to come to the kennel for a visit. We prefer these visits to be during business hours, but if this is not possible we will set up appointments for a visit after work or on a Saturday.

©  1996   KT Daley. Proud Owner Vom Hundhaus Shepherds

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